InTeaser Talesby✍ Posy ChurchgateI’m a wolf in sheep’s clothing, aiming to push her off the throne“If I say Regina George is a pussycat compared with me, d’you get the reference?”Mar 2110Mar 2110
InTantalizing Talesby✍ Posy ChurchgateSomebody Else’s Guy : Heard it Through the GrapevineLibby discovers that love is a battlefieldJan 2815Jan 2815
InTantalizing Talesby✍ Posy ChurchgateSomebody Else’s Guy : Girls’ TalkHe can’t see we’re perfect for each otherJan 2118Jan 2118
InTantalizing Talesby✍ Posy ChurchgateSomebody Else’s GuyWhat’s worse than unrequited love? Falling for someone who is already takenJan 1429Jan 1429